Acupuncture For PA Veterans
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an integrative health practice that involves inserting tiny needles into specific points on the body. Acupuncture treatment is used for chronic pain management and treatment of other physical, mental and emotional conditions.
Recently added to the VA Health Benefits Package, the practice of acupuncture, as well as yoga, massage, tai chi, clinical hypnosis, biofeedback and more, is quickly growing as a common, evidenced-based, treatment option for Veterans receiving care within the VA Health Care System.
What can acupuncture help treat?
Pain Management: Headaches, Chronic pain, PTSD, Migraines, Back pain, Shoulder pain, Neck pain, Ankle pain, Knee pain, Dysmenorrhea, Osteoarthritis, Cancer, Prostatitis, TMJ, Postoperative pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Post traumatic pain.
Mental Health: Depression, PTSD, Anxiety, Schizophrenia, Opiate addiction, Drug addiction.
Wellness: Insomnia, Smoking cessation, Postoperative Nausea, Restless leg syndrome, IBS, PMS, Tinnitus, Menopausal Symptoms, Blood pressure, Erectile dysfunction, Rhinitis, Asthma, Gastro Intestinal disease.
How do I get Acupuncture?
The Veterans' Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014, also called the Veterans Choice Act, is a public law that provides funding for veterans so they may seek treatment outside of the VA. The law stipulates you must live 40 miles away from the nearest VA hospital or be unable to get an appointment within 30 days. However, because there are no acupuncturists currently working at the VA everyone who qualifies for medical coverage through the Department of Veterans Affairs automatically qualifies for 100% covered Acupuncture treatments through the Veterans Choice Program.
To get a referral for acupuncture, contact your VA medical provider and request acupuncture with John Marino or the closet acupuncture provider in your area. John Marino is located at Columbia Acupuncture 336 Locust St, Columbia, PA 17512 and Wenger Chiropractic 1516 Lititz Pike Lancaster, PA 17601. Tell your medical provider which is most convenient for you to get to.